Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Mike's Mistake

Last night the eight of us decided to go to Mike's Bistro. We heard a lot about it and wanted to try a place none of us had been to.

Is was so dark you could hardly see your food, my repeated requests for some light took three hours to be answered, I was able to get more light just in time to see my bill. We sat indoors on the ground floor for the first hour there was only one couple after that, we were the only ones there.

The Food was amazing!
The portions were tiny, the appetizers are like finger food and the main is smaller than a common appetizer.
The service was diabolical!
The food overpriced!
The company was obviously super! (J&V came we haven't seen them in a while)

All in all, I would never go back there ever again and I would never recommend it to anyone.

I guess what compounded my negative feelings is that two of us had to leave before the end of the meal without dessert as took 30 minutes.

When I commented to the manager that I thought this would justify taking their portions off of the bill he disagreed, after more pushing he took the bill to 'think about it' only to return it unchanged with a smile! If not for this being a Jewish joint and boarders in gmilut chassadim, I would run to my credit card company and ask for a full refund!!!

Have you been to Mike's? What do you think? What was your experience?


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